• The Lockdown Diaries

    The Lockdown Diaries: One Year Later

    One year ago today, Boris Johnson announced that the UK would be plunging into lockdown. Fear, uncertainty and murmurs of what might happen had been rippling through the country for weeks, and I remember sitting cross-legged on the sofa, holding our breath as we watched the announcement and then springing into action once it was official; I had to get Archer, and I had to get to my mum’s house. Fast. (For those of you who may be unfamiliar, Archer is my cat. A large, vocal, ginger creature whom I adore more than any living thing on God’s green earth. One year ago today, my brother and I packed some…

  • The Lockdown Diaries

    The Lockdown Diaries: There Will Be Joy

    As I write this, it is the 12th of January, 2021. We have been battling this new way of life, this strange, alternate ‘pandemic reality’, since the 23rd of March, 2020. That was when the first lockdown was announced – 295 long, long days ago. At the time, we couldn’t possibly have imagined that that very same announcement would be made nearly a year later. That was unthinkable, that those words could be echoed to us via our television screens in the year Twenty-Twenty-One. Not again? Stay at home, save lives. It sounds easy enough, noble even, that we could be saving lives by simply… staying inside. That us mere…